Former England goalkeeper and 1966 World Cup winner Gordon Banks OBE has died, aged 81.Stoke City, with whom Banks spent six years as a player, released a statement from his family confirming the devastating news on Tuesday morning.“It is with great sadness that we announce that Gordon passed away peacefully overnight,” the statement read. “We are devastated to lose him but we have so many happy memories and could not have been more proud of him.”
From the family of Gordon BanksIt is with great sadness that we announce that Gordon passed away peacefully overnight. We are devastated to lose him but we have so many happy memories and could not have been more proud of him.— Stoke City FC (@stokecity) February 12, 2019Banks played for Chesterfield and Leicester before joining Stoke in 1967, and also represented, Cleveland Stokes, Hellenic, Fort Lauderdale Strikers and St Patrick’s Athletic.6
“I thought that was a goal.” (Pel)“You and me both.” (Banks)“You’re getting old, Banksy, you used to hold on to them.” (Bobby Moore)The save has been widely labelled the greatest in the history of the game, and Banks himself later said: “They won’t remember me for winning the World Cup, it’ll be for that save.“That’s how big a thing it is. People just want to talk about that save.”England failed to replicate World Cup success in Mexico, however, with Banks missing for the quarter-final defeat by Germany due to illness.Banks retired from international football two years after the 1970 World Cup before quitting as a player for good in 1977.6
Were deeply saddened to hear that Gordon Banks, our #WorldCup-winning goalkeeper, has passed away. Our thoughts are with Gordons friends, family and supporters at this difficult time.— England (@England) February 12, 2019Banks, who was later named an OBE, was an inaugural inductee in the English Football Hall of Fame, while Pele named him one of the world’s 125 greatest living footballers in 2004.Today we mourn the loss of Gordon Banks, the Banks of England – a true legend of the beautiful game.6
Gordon Banks OBE (30 December 1937 - 12 February 2019) was an English professional footballer who played as a goalkeeper.He made 679 appearances during a 20-year professional career, and won 73 caps for England, highlighted by starting every game of the nation's 1966 World Cup victory.
England's greatest goalkeeper and 1966 World Cup winner Gordon Banks has died at the age of 81 after losing his battle with kidney cancer.
Gordon Banks: Reaction & tributes after 1966 World Cup winner
Reaction and tributes as Gordon Banks, the goalkeeper in England's 1966 World Cup-winning team, dies at the age of 81. Cup winner dies aged 81; Former goalkeeper won 73 caps for England
Gordon Banks - Wikipedia
Gordon Banks: England's World Cup-winning goalkeeper dies aged 81
England's 1966 World Cup-winning goalkeeper Gordon Banks has died aged 81. Regarded as one of the game's greatest in his position, Banks was named Fifa goalkeeper of the year six times and earned 73 caps for England.
In pictures: England's World Cup-winning icon Gordon Banks
Former England goalkeeper and 1966 FIFA World Cup winner Gordon Banks has died aged 81. The news came via his former club Stoke City on Tuesday: Banks is regarded as
Gordon Banks: Former England goalkeeper and World Cup winner
Feb 12, 2019 · Former England striker Gary Linkeker tweeted: "Oh no. Gordon Banks, an absolute hero of mine, and countless others, has died. @England's World Cup winner was one of the greatest goalkeepers of all
Former England Goalkeeper and World Cup Winner Gordon Banks
Former England goalkeeper and 1966 World Cup winner Gordon Banks OBE has died, aged 81. Stoke City, with whom Banks spent six years as a player, released a statement from his family confirming the
Gordon Banks: World Cup-winning goalkeeper dies aged 81
England's 1966 World Cup-winning goalkeeper Gordon Banks has died aged 81. Regarded as one of the game's greatest in his position, Banks was named Fifa goalkeeper of the year six times and earned
Gordon Banks, World Cup winner with England, dies aged 81
England's World Cup-winning goalkeeper Gordon Banks has died at the age of 81, his former club Stoke have announced. The news was revealed in a statement from the Banks family on Stoke City's
England 1966 World Cup winner Gordon Banks dies aged 81
Gordon Banks, a World Cup winner with England in 1966 whose diving, twisting save to thwart Pelé in 1970 is lauded as one of the greatest feats of goalkeeping, has died aged 81. Banks played 73
Gordon Banks: World Cup winning goalkeeper dies aged 81